Secret Weapon For Making More Money

I go through phases of being really good with my money and sometimes really poop.

I’m all about financial freedom and running a profitable business.

My secret weapon for making money is DONUTS.

donut days.

I hate donut days! Those days when you make no money…

$0.00, ZERO, ZILCH, nothing but BIG FAT DONUTS

Money tracking is a simple yet powerful tool that can help you take control of your finances and achieve your financial goals.

Because of my donut days, which I hate, I tend to go looking for billable work. I chase up invoices, do some marketing and things like that.

Falling in love with your business financials can be hard. One of the first and easiest things that I get my clients to do is to track their income. It’s a real gritty, imperfect task.

It’s easy, just make note of your gross round figures of your billable work.

This is how my tracking looks. I use my Google Calendar.. nothing fancy at all.

Business Coach Time Management | Tanya Northey

Post It Notes

One of my clients showed me a pic of their money tracking. He simply uses post it notes on a calendar on the wall.

so. simple.

During our latest meeting, he described his post it note money tracking as a game changer. I was so impressed that he was able to answer all of my money-related questions.

Making friends with your money is crucially important!

You don’t need to over complicate it.

And you have no excuses for not starting!!

Benefits of Tracking Your Income Daily

Tracking your income daily can be a powerful tool to help you take control of your finances and achieve your financial goals. Here are some benefits of tracking your income daily:

1. Provides a Clear Picture of Your Financial Situation

When you track your income daily, you have a clear picture of your financial situation. You know exactly how much money you're bringing in, which can help you plan your spending and make better financial decisions.

2. Helps You Identify Opportunities to Earn More

Tracking your income daily can also help you identify opportunities to earn more money. When you know how much money you're making each day, you can look for ways to increase your income, such as taking on extra work or negotiating a raise.

3. Helps You Stay on Top of Your Bills

Tracking your income daily can also help you stay on top of your bills. When you know exactly how much money you're making, you can make sure you have enough to cover your bills and avoid late fees or other penalties.

4. Helps You Save Money

Tracking your income daily can also help you save money. When you have a clear picture of your financial situation, you can look for ways to cut back on expenses and save more money. For example, if you notice that you're spending money on things like Officeworks (me) or at book shops (me), you can start curbing your spending which allows you to save more money.

5. Helps You Achieve Your Financial Goals

Finally, tracking your income daily can help you achieve your financial goals. When you know exactly how much money you're bringing in, you can set realistic goals and work towards achieving them. Whether it's paying off debt, saving for a house, or building an emergency fund, tracking your income daily can help you get there faster.

In conclusion, tracking your income daily can help you fall in love with your finances. You might be more motivated to bill clients or create more opportunities for work when you see days with $0!!

Author - Tanya Northey, Sunshine Coast SEO Coach


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